2024 Release Enhancements
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Signature 2024 Release Enhancements
Signature 2024 Release Enhancements
Make appointment status changes more visible to techs and customers
Promptly send notifications of new appointments and changes to appointments via SMS text.
Make important information more accessible to dispatchers
View customer maintenance card and customer location card notes in Schedule.
Find invoice information without needing to login to GP
Quickly view invoice information in the Customer Hub.
Monitor your service level agreements
Easily track and monitor the statuses of your service call SLAs
Performance improvements
Significant performance improvements of job panel load times.
1. Capture Priority when Using the Appointment Wizard
Description: Adds 'Priority' to the appointment wizard screen.
2. Search for a Resource from the Service Appointment Window More Easily
Description: Quickly find a resource using search in the resource dropdown field.
3. Save Changes Made in Service Call Forms and in Appointment Forms
Description: Conveniently save changes made to service calls and appointments from the Schedule grid.
4. View Appointment Creation Dates in the Unscheduled Grid
Description: In the unscheduled grid, users can now see the appointment's created date.
5. Prevent new service calls from being created for on hold customers in Signature and Schedule.
Description: Full support for stoplight statues and for on hold status in Schedule. This now works the same in Schedule as in Signature.
Send SMS Notifications to Technicians and Customers
Description: You can now set up an action to send a text message (SMS) notification when an event has been triggered. For example, if an appointment has changed for a technician, the technician receives a text message immediately. Note: Text size limit is no longer limited to 160 characters.
Note: In the Signature 2023 release, we enhanced text messaging to send true SMS messages via the Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service).
1. Disallow New Maintenance Service Calls for Inactive Locations
Description: A new setup option in Schedule allows hiding the option to create a 'New Service Call (MC Only) for Inactive Location'.
2. Set Default Hours when Creating a New Service Call or Appointment
Description: Set a default value in the new call estimate hours field and new appointment estimate hours field to appear when the window is opened. Default hours appear but can be changed by the user.
1. View Customer and Location Notes
Description: Schedule users can now view customer maintenance card and customer location card notes directly in Schedule.
2. View Technician Phone Numbers on the Schedule Board
Description: Enables dispatchers to quickly lookup a technician's phone number directly in the Schedule board.
3. Exclude Bill To Only Addresses in Customer Hub
Description: Show bill to only locations excluding bill to only addresses by default in the customer hub.
4. View Service Call Notes More Easily
Description: Quickly open the service call notes window (from the Schedule Board, Unassigned/Unscheduled Grid or Customer Hub Open Appointments Grid) to view service call notes. If there are no notes, a message displays indicating that there isn't a note.
5. Search by Equipment ID in the Customer Hub
Description: Easily find equipment in the customer hub by searching for equipment using a partial or full equipment ID.
6. Filter Out Inactive or Retired Equipment
Description: Cleans up the clutter by filtering out inactive or retired equipment when selecting equipment to relate to a service call.
1. Job panel pagination
Description: Speeds up job panel load times by loading jobs into the job panel incrementally using pagination.
2. Toggle job panel per user
Description: Allows the job panel to be toggleable on a per-user basis. It keeps the company level setting but allows the user to override the setting (in either direction).
3. View all cost codes for a job in job details
Description: Provides dispatchers with visibility to all cost codes for a job in Schedule.
1. Reset Technician Home Address
Description: A drop-down menu for route planning allows dispatchers to choose whether to use a tech’s current location or their home location as the starting point for a route.
2. Automatically Reset Tech Starting Locations
Description: Automatically resets (per-tech) the techs default starting location.
1. Match Appointment Colors to the Colors of their Assigned Techs on the Dispatch Map
Description: Set the color by technician to quickly see which technicians are assigned to an appointment.
2. Map Icons by Call Type
Description: Assign different icons in the Schedule map based on call type.
3. Hide Completed Appointments on the Map
Description: Cleans up the schedule map to display only open calls by hiding completed appointments.
View SLAs and Related Warning Messages in the Schedule Grid
Description: Users can easily glance at appointments in the grid and determine how much time they have left to meet a given appointment’s SLA.
Monitor your service level agreements
Description: We've taken the Signature Service Monitor and recreated it in Schedule to conveniently track and monitor the statuses of your service call SLAs.
Use the Schedule Map with Map Data from Azure Maps
Description: Schedule integration with Azure Maps provides an option to replace Bing Maps for Enterprise that is being deprecated.
View Historical Customer Invoice Info in the Customer Hub
Description: Quickly find invoice information (Call/Job#, Invoice description, billing amount, etc.) to answer customer invoice questions in the customer hub without having to login to GP.
60+% of our leading customers are on a supported release.
You'll get compounded enhancements from previous years releases when you upgrade to 2024 releases.
350+ enhancements have been introduced since 2020.
Strategically plan your upgrade with a Business Process Review.
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager for a conversation.