Highlights of Top Job Cost 2024

Customer Requested Enhancements

  • Prevent accidently closing a job while there are costs that haven't been accounted for in job cost.

    • Learn more below in “View all service called transferred or scheduled to be transferred to a job”.

  • Get quick access to the job history status by period.

    • Learn more below in “View closed job history by period”.

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Listing of All Job Cost 2024 Release Enhancements

View all service calls transferred or scheduled to be transferred to a job

  • Prevent accidently closing a job while there are costs that haven't been accounted for in Job Cost by viewing all service calls transferred or scheduled to be transferred to a job. When a user looks up a job with related or linked service calls the call transfer button will show either a Green check or a Red X. The Green checkmark indicates at least one service call associated to the job where the cost was transferred to the job. The Red X indicates there is at least one service call associated to the job where costs HAVE NOT been transferred.

View closed job history status by period

  • Users now have quick access to the Job history status by period from the job history window. In the Job History window, a new 'Status by Period' button has been added to the action's menu. Clicking the 'Status by Period' button opens a sub-window displaying the 'Job History Status by Period.'

View salesperson in the job maintenance Window

  • Conveniently add different salespeople at the job appointment level. This is particularly helpful when there are many appointments for a job, but it not always the same salesperson for each appointment. Previously salespeople could only be assigned at the customer level making it inconvenient and requiring extra invoice work to change the salesperson.

Preview bill codes in the job status window

  • Easily preview the Job Bill Codes report directly from the Job Status window similar to the report from the Job Bill Code window.

Confirm potential impacts and risks when changing a job's contract value or contract type

  • Users will now see a message that warns the user of the potential impacts and risks before making a change to the job’s contract value or contract type.


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